The other young women are Belgian occupational therapy students who are volunteering for 3 months in Rwanda. They are 20 and 24 and extremely brave. There is only one occupational therapist now in Rwanda ( 9 million people). These women travel to visit children with cerebral palsy and to try to help the mothers find better ways to care for these children. Sadly, the incidence of cerebral palsy is very high.
We spent our first day at the public hospital (CHK). It is a study of contrasts. Some areas, such as the new maternity unit, are beautiful of a very high standard. There is a lot of construction going on and they are building six new operating rooms. Right now surgery is squeezed into a very small space. Genevieve is showing the male change room. The female change room is behind the sheet. (sorry, I can't figure out how to move the picture here)
I'm signing off now. There's lots more to tell but we are putting in crazy long days and not getting enough sleep. We leave for Butare tomorrow and may not be back to Kigali till Sunday so you may have a bit of reprive from my constant blogging.
I've really been enjoying your blog and photos. Keep them up!
Last night's election was a huge day for the world. Even though Obama can't possibly live up to the expectations that have been placed on him, even if he walks on water, the perception of the U.S. in the eyes of the world has changed enormously. You are seeing it in Africa, but it's also true throughout Europe and Asia and of course Canada. Harper is more and more alone as all his old allies are replaced. Only wish we had an Obama ourselves.
How are you managing with language? Are you using your French? What's the level of English like? Any luck learning Kinyarwanda?
Love Richard
Hi Richard,
It is so wonderful to be able to hear from everyone so quickly. Yes, Obama's win is huge and there is certainly the expectation here that the world will be a better place. The joy of the Africans is immeasurable.
I have found my Italian helps a lot with French because I have learned how to work in another language. Basically, you just don't worry about being a dork and throw it out there. I understand well, if they speak slowly. The great thing is that Africans speak slowly. However, I do not have sufficient medical language to teach in French. Rwandans are supposed to be learning English now as well so it is a country in transition that way. Still, the French is fun but we haven't had a lot of opportunity for long conversations. We seem to be very busy!
Lots of love, Patty
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