The group now has 41 members and is the largest gorilla group accessible to tourists. It is also the second largest family of gorillas in the world second only to a remote group of 65 members, considered to be the "research" group.
We saw gorilla twins, the only ones known to have survived. They are now four years old. They did survive because a young male, Sandy, became the mother's helper and always cared for one of the twins. The mother let Sandy care for the female and she kept the male. Of course, Sandy knew to bring the baby for feeding.
We heard that a gorilla group has moved from the Congo side because they are aware of the danger. Unfortunately, as of October 26, the Virunga Park Headquarters in the Congo, was overtaken by the rebel faction. The rangers, approximately 50, had to flee. Now the gorillas have no protection and are at the mercy of poaching as are many of the other animal groups including elephants.
The young baby in the picture is two years old. We saw three silverback males and one that will be a silverback next year. We saw many mothers. The number one male has 11 wives! He occasionally shares with the number 3 since number 3 helps him fight aggressors. Both number 1 and one of the females, Poppy, were alive when Dian Fossey was with the group.
After an absolutely fabulous experience with the gorillas we returned to our hotel and spent a wonderful evening with some fellow travelers; Edwin from England, his girlfriend, Melonie, from Australia, and Marleyse from the US. All 3 are extremely accomplished travelers! Marleyse has spent the last 11 months touring the world...solo!! She had the good fortune of winning a scholarship which mandated she not work!! and only travel (by herself) for 9 months minimum. To date she has been to 19 countries on 3 continents. Edwin, 34 years old, has now visited 60 countries!! on all continents. Melonie, 31 years old has visited 50 countries!! We felt somewhat humbled by their worldly experience.
Bon Soir, Patty and Gen
Bon Soir, Patty and Gen
Patty, please bring one home for me too!
They're amazing. What an experience!
Great pictures.
Love Richard
Hi Richard,
Yes, it was incredible and we felt so lucky to be able to see so many of them, so close and in good weather. It poured rain on the descent back to the car.
One old guy, who walks with a walker, visited a nearer group with 8 men carrying him!
Love, Patty
Wow these gorillas are beautiful! In all seriousness I want to get a monkey for my room at the frat. But now I am thinking a gorilla. I will take great care of him and feed him every day, sneak one back for me!
Love Alex
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